Monday, July 12, 2010

Something Missing

Can a thief be likable? Matthew Dicks answers yes in this novel about a career criminal named Martin that refers to his victims as clients, stealing from them on numerous occasions over the course of years. What does he steal? Mostly, his haul reads like a grocery list. He steals food and household supplies. More expensive items are monitored over the course of months to be sure they won't be missed.

Martin is confronted with a dilemma. He begins to discover that his clients have problems that only he can fix, because he knows so much about their lives. He cares about his clients and he begins to help them, breaking many of the rules he lives by. These rules are one part OCD and one part smart crime, and they have kept Martin's criminal activity a secret for years.

This book is a quick, enjoyable read. Matthew Dicks offers insight into the lives of both thieves and individuals with OCD. I found it particularly amusing that Martin's friends and acquaintances believe he is a writer when he is actually a thief. Apparently, Matthew Dicks wanted to clarify that he is not personally a thief/writer, because he makes a point of saying he is not a thief in his bio at the end of the book. Though he does claim to be a writer.

I wouldn't have predicted that I would enjoy this book so much. A book about a benevolent thief is an unusual premise, after all. But it was quite entertaining and I found myself rather liking Martin. Read this book to find out what's missing for Martin.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you enjoyed it! Many thanks for taking the time to read and review!

    My next book, UNEXPECTEDLY, MILO comes out on August 3! Hope you enjoy it just as much!
